
Saturday 11 August 2012

Mid cuff Crisis.........

Well, the good news is my backs healing quite well... and I've been able to bead a bit more.

The problem is I am having a bit of a mid cuff crisis.
I decided at the start i would not unpick and re pick this, and go with the flow.... but.............its a bit like Marmite

I honestly cant decide if i  love it or hate it right now.

I did want lots of bright colours  like a garden or nature itself, .... but am wondering if i have just overloaded with colours.  Only time will tell, I'm at that point where i may normally have unpicked it all and either restarted or simply given up....

also I didn't realize how this would feel, I feel like I'm  leaving myself open to peoples comments and criticism. and its more than a little scary to be honest. All those wonderful beaders out there,  and my feeble attempt, have i bitten off more than i can chew?

Here's where I am at now. I genuinely think this is the scariest thing I have ever done bead wise... both making it and blogging about it.



  1. New subscriber. . . Just gotta say. . . YOU GO GIRL! I love how bright it is! I'm working on my first embroidered cuff and I'm addicted. . . but suffer a lot of the same doubt and self criticism and wondering if I took on too much. BUT I think when all is said and done, every new piece is a learning experience, and it gets easier as you go. :D Keep beading! :D

    1. thank u kate, sorry havent been on here for a while and missed your comments.... would love to see your finished piece :D
